2000.9-2004.6:湖北民族学院数学系, 理学学士.
2015.8-2016.8:美国佐治亚理工学院数学学院访问学者(School of Mathematics, Georgia Institute of Technology),合作导师:Luca Dieci教授.
2011.7-2015.12: 新葡的京集团8814讲师;
2016.1-至今: 新葡的京集团8814副教授.
(1)分段光滑系统的分支问题, 华侨大学博士科研启动费,编号:12BS112, 2012.5-2014.4,主持.
(4)微分方程的分支理论(编号:11271046),国家自然科学基金面上项目,排名第三,2013.1-2016.12, 参与.
[1]Dingheng Pi, Study the stability of solutions of functional differential equations via fixed points. Nonlinear Analysis, 74 (2011), 639-651.(SCI)
[2]Dingheng Pi, Jiang Yu and Xiang Zhang,On the sliding bifurcation of a class of planar Filippov systems,Inter. J. Bifur. Chaos, 23( 2013), 1350040(SCI)
[3]Dingheng PiandXiang Zhang, The sliding bifurcations in planar piecewise smooth differential systems, J. Dynamics and Differential Equations, 25 (2013),1001-1026.(SCI)
[4]Dingheng Pi, On the stability of a second order retarded differential equation, Appl. Math. Comp. 256 (2015) 324-333.(SCI)
[5]Dingheng Pi and Shihong Xu, Bifurcation Analysis of Planar Piecewise Smooth Systems with a Line of Discontinuity, Inter. J. Bifur. Chaos, 26( 2016), 1650104.(SCI)
[6]Xiaoshi Guo, Dingheng Pi and Zhensheng Gao, Bifurcation analysis of planar piecewise linear system with different dynamics, Inter. J. Bifur. Chaos,26(2016).(SCI)
[7]Luca Dieci, Cinzia Elia and Dingheng Pi,Limit cycles for regularized discontinuous dynamical systems with a hyperplane of discontinuity, preprint, 2016.
(1)2013年全国奇异摄动理论和应用学术研讨会, 报告题目为:《The sliding bifurcations in planar piecewise smooth differential systems》, 福州,2013.8.23-8.25.
(2)2016年珠海常微分方程教学与研究会议,报告题目为:《Sliding bifurcations of piecewise smooth systems》,珠海,2016.11.18-11.20.