庄清渠 个人简历
1. 2009.01-2010.12,华侨大学高层次人才科研启动项目(09BS105);
2. 2011.04-2013.12,福建省自然科学基金青年项目(2011J05005);
3. 2012.01-2012.12,国家自然科学基金数学天元基金项目(11126330);
4. 2014.07-2018.07,华侨大学“中央高校基本科研业务费”中青年教师资助计划-培育型科技创新人才项目(ZQN-PY201);
1. 2011.04-2013.12,福建省自然科学基金面上项目(分裂步多辛算法的构造及其应用研究,2011J01010);
2. 2011.01-2013.12,国家自然科学基金青年项目(一类含分数阶导数的非线性系统随机动力学与控制研究,11002059);
3. 2014.01-2016.12,福建省自然科学基金面上项目(随机激励下分数阶动力学系统的最优控制 ,2014J01014);
4. 2017.01-2020.12,国家自然科学基金面上项目(非线性随机系统稳态响应预测的新方法,11672111) ;
5. 2018.01-2021.12,国家自然科学基金面上项目(分数阶偏微分方程高精度数值方法的研究,11771083).
2002.09-2005.06, 厦门大学, 新葡的京集团8814, 硕士研究生(导师:许传炬教授);
2009.02.23-5.16,Department of Mathematics,Purdue University,Visiting Scholor(导师:Professor Jie Shen);
2017.11.21-,Department of Mathematics,Purdue University,Visiting Scholor(导师:Professor Jie Shen)。
2014.01-至今, 华侨大学,新葡的京集团8814,副教授。
[1]Qingqu Zhuang, Chuanju Xu, A Spectral Element/Laguerre Coupled Method to the Elliptic Helmholtz Problem on the Half Line, NUMERICAL MATHEMATICS (A Journal of Chinese Universities (English Series)), 15(3):193-208, 2006.
[2] Mejdi Azaiez, Jie Shen, Chuanju Xu, andQingqu Zhuang,A Laguerre-Legendre Spectral Method for the Stokes Problem in a Semi-Infinite Channel , SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 47(1):271-292,2008.
[3]Qingqu Zhuang, Jie Shen, and Chuanju Xu, A coupled Legendre-Laguerre spectral-element method for the Navier-Stokes equations in unbounded domains, Journal of Scientific Computing, 42(1):1-22, 2010.
[4]Qingqu Zhuang,Chuanju Xu, Legendre-Laguerre coupled spectral element methods for second- and fourth-order equations on the half line, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 235(3): 615-630, 2010.
[5]Qingqu Zhuang, A Legendre spectral-element method for the one-dimensional fourth-order equations, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 218(7): 3587-3595, 2011.
[6]庄清渠,蔡耀雄,半直线上三阶微分方程的Legendre-Laguerre耦合谱元法,数学研究:Journal of Mathematical Study, 45(2):179-187, 2012.
[7]任全伟,庄清渠,一类四阶微积分方程Legendre-Galerkin谱逼近,计算数学,35(2):125-136, 2013.
[8]蔡耀雄,任全伟,庄清渠,一类四阶微积分方程的四阶差分格式,数值计算与计算机应用, 35(1):59-68, 2014.
[9]Qingqu Zhuang, Quanwei Ren,Numerical approximation of a nonlinear fourth-order integro-differential equation by spectral method, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 232:775-783, 2014.
[10]庄清渠,任全伟,一类具有非线性边界条件的四阶方程的紧差分迭代解法,高等学校计算数学学报,38(4):289-300, 2016.
[11] Lizhen Chen, Jing An, andQingqu Zhuang, Direct solvers for the biharmonic eigenvalue problems using Legendre polynomials, Journal of Scientific Computing, 70(3):1030-1041, 2017.
[12] Zhifeng Weng,Qingqu Zhuang, Numerical approximation of the conservative Allen–Cahn equation by operator splitting method, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences. 2017, 40(12):4462-4480. DOI: 10.1002/mma.4317.
[13]Qingqu Zhuang, Lizhen Chen, Legendre-Galerkin spectral-element method for the biharmonic equations and its applications, Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 2017, accepted.DOI: 10.1016/j.camwa.2017.07.039.